Gambit 1 is the introductory course for all CTL courses and seminars. Participants and students will be exposed to perspectives on transformational leadership, specializations and emphasizing resources for relevant and contextual leadership paradigms. These paradigms assume that transformation occurs when a leader is a steward of power – acquiring it, giving it away, using it for its intended purpose for human flourishing, and growing it in relationship, without hoarding and using it for selfish purposes.

During the Gambit 1, participants and students should be open to the possibility of experiencing dissonance as they are exposed to  global perspectives and diverse narratives as they explore the importance of transformational leadership and sensitivity to context. 

Upon successfully completing this course, participants and students should be able to:

1.Identify, Understand and function with the perspective of Transformational Leadership applicable to their life pursuit.

2.Trace their life’s journey

3. Relate and partner with people operating in the other perspectives of Transformational Leadership.

4.Grasp the implications of urbanization and globalization for life and ministry.


This is the FLAGSHIP COURSE of CTL…It is a requirement for all CTL students in addition to the GAMBIT COURSE.

The Course purpose is to integrate wholeness in work,  life,  relationships and  social  impact, students need to grasp the purpose of work, their own unique calling and the meaning  of  human dignity.  This course explores the meaning and ministry of work that engages people for most of their waking hours. The approach taken is biblical  – surveying and meaning of work in God’s revealed purpose. It is contextual – showing how worldviews affect one’s work ethic and providing both points of content and prophetic challenges. It is integrative – exploring how work is related to ministry, calling, and mission. And it is theological – investigating work in the light of God’s timeless Word and the contemporary situation. Having a theology of work is critical both for those engaged in non-ecclesiastical work and also for church leaders.


The focus of this course is to see businesses run with Biblical Value, principle and worldview of Stewardship as opposed to ownership and what this looks like wearing ”African attire”. This course seeks to define an accurate and relevant worldview for engaging in Business. Students will be challenged to engage in theological reflections as to what a Biblical worldview of business will look like. Students will be introduced to Biblical values of integrity and social responsibility as they play out in the midst of many perspectives touted as Global best practices. Course will include opportunities to practically develop business models inspired by the learned worldview and test in selected partner-business environments.   


CTL has EMERGING LEADERS as its main target audience and they are the primary target for this course. Arts is being used here in a generic sense, this course’ main objective is to equip the huge population of young boys and girls with artistic talents and deploy them to use arts for transformational purposes as opposed to simply entertaining and seeking fame. The purpose of this course is to initiate the student to a critical reflection on Arts forms, and their biblical roots. The student will also be introduced to worldview challenges presented by the arts within the contemporary global space.  These will be examined as a critical dimension of a worldview seeking human flourishing in the city through the power of the creative arts – Music & Media. 


Governance and Politics are the undeniable challenge facing the world today. From the well-developed nations, to developing and underdeveloped nations, the gaps in the stories and experiences are closing up. It is however obvious that the problem is more pronounced in sub Saharan Africa. This course is a response to this challenge and will expose participants to theological themes on politics and governance. It will explore how ancient biblical wisdom can become relevant to solving contemporary nation building challenges. The strategy is to develop a critical mass of young people who possess a Biblical worldview of politics & governance that is rooted in service and promotion of human good and well-being. This course is also being used to address the Christian-Muslim divide, which is a major global issue.



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